
Showing posts from January, 2022

托福/GEPT 高階單字精華 TOEFL/Advanced GEPT Vocabulary Essence By David Pai

                                    托福/GEPT 高階單字精華 TOEFL/Advanced GEPT Vocabulary Essence By David Pai PDF: YuTube

英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(15) 以柔克剛 Killing with Kindness compild by David Pai

 英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(15) 以柔克剛 Killing with Kindness           compild by David Pai 22 Killing with Kindness 以柔克剛 Sometimes, it's difficult t behave like a gentleman. 有時,表現的像個紳士並不容易, It's especially hard when the person talking to you is belligerent and trying to belittle you in front of others. 當你面對一個好鬥而又極力在眾人前貶低你的人時尤為如此。 You might feel like beating him and burying him as deep as bedrock, but don't. 你也許很想揍他一頓,然後把他埋得深如一塊基石,但還是別那樣。 Remember, violence begets more violence. 記住,暴力只會招致更多的暴力。 Of course, it's easier said than done. 當然,這話說起來容易做起來難。 My cousin Tom comes drunk to our family reunions every year and always manages to insult my family members. 每年我的表兄湯姆都會醉醺醺地前來參加家庭聚會,而且總是設法將我的家人羞辱一番。 “Your nose is looking more and more like the beak of a bird,” he would tell my daughter. “ 你的鼻子越來越像鳥嘴了。 ” 他對我的女兒如是說。 “Those red beads don't look becoming on you,” he would say to my wife. “ 那些紅珠子帶在你身上不好看。 ” 他對我的妻子這般說。 “Is that your beard or a bird'

英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(14) 逃避 Escape compiled by by David Pai

 英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(14) 逃避  Escape        compiled by  by David 21 Escape 逃避 I live an isolated life in a small basin between two mountain ridges at the edge of an ocean. 在海邊的兩座山脊間不大的盆地上,我過著遠離塵囂的生活。 Due to the bad soil, the land is barren . 由於土質太差,這裏可謂是不毛之地。 However, I have a barn full of animals that supply me with all the food I need. 但我得穀倉裏注滿了動物,讓我吃喝不用愁。 There’s nothing more satisfying than basting pig meat over a barbecue. 天下之樂事莫過於野餐時往烤豬肉上抹油了。 The weather is pretty good. 天氣還不錯, There is always enough rain to fill my water barrel. 我的水桶總能裝滿雨水。 But sometimes, a fierce storm will batter the barn all right. 但有時,一場狂暴的大雨能把穀倉嘭嘭拍上一整夜。 The rough life I lead has made me look and feel like a barbarian. 生活的艱辛讓我看起來活像個野蠻人,而我自己的感覺也是如此。 The heat from the sun has baked my bare skin brown. 炙熱的太陽將我裸露的皮膚烤成棕色。 I haven ’t been to the barber for two years. 我有兩年沒去理髮師那裏剪頭髮了。 As a result, I think I would be bashful if anyone found me. 所以,我想我會羞於見人。 I don’t have a

英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(13) 聖黎各的投票日 Voting Day in San Rico compiled by by David Pai

 英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(13) 聖黎各的投票日    Voting Day in San Rico       compiled by  by David Pai 20 Voting Day in San Rico 聖黎各的投票日 Initially, I balked at my editor's request that I cover the presidential elections in San Rico. 一開始主編讓我報道聖黎各舉行的總統選舉時,我猶豫不決。 San Rico was known for its bandits. 聖黎各以其土匪之多聞名。 Just one year ago, we had been banned from traveling there because of the danger. 一年前,當地政府就是因為太危險才禁止人們來聖黎各旅遊的。 This year, the government promised political reforms and crime control . 今年,政府承諾進行政治改革同時打擊犯罪。 Could thing have changed so much in only one year? 僅一年的時間情況就會有所改觀嗎? Not in my mind. 我看未必。 I imagined the worst. 我做了最壞的打算: I anticipated burly bald man wearing bandannas, riding around on motorcycles and harassing voters. 我指望看到些戴大手帕的高大禿頂男人,他們騎著摩托車四處騷擾投票者; I pictured a bankrupt candidate , making a banal speech to a bored crowd, and claiming that his bankruptcy would not interfere with his government duties. 我想像著一個破產的候選人的樣子,人們不耐煩的聽著他乏味的演說,他還一面聲明破產不會影響他

英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(11) 新郎在哪裡?Where's the Groom? compiled by by David Pai

  英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(11)  新郎在哪裡?Where's the Groom?              Where's the Groom ? 新郎在哪裡? It was Sunday, at 12:00 noon . 星期日,中午 12 點。 The bridge waited patiently at the church door with her bouquet of flowers. 手持花束的新娘在教堂門口耐心地等著。 Her lovely black hair, braided by her mother, blew gently about her shoulders in the breeze. 她烏黑的秀髮已被木青編成辮子,肩上的發絲在微風中輕輕飛揚。 Three violinists, with their bows in the air, stood ready to play the wedding song. 三位小提琴手已架好琴弓,隨時準備演奏婚禮進行曲。 The bowlegged priest was already at the uncooked rice from a bowl and were prepared to shower the blessed couple. 弓形腿的牧師已站在婚禮聖壇前,他面前的《聖經》已打開。幾位客人從一隻碗裏抓了把生米,準備灑給這對幸福的戀人。 It was a breathtaking sight. 這一場面激動人心。 The wedding had been brilliantly planned. 婚禮設計的相當出色。 But where was the groom ? 但新郎在哪里? The bride's father was getting angry. 新娘的父親開始發火了。 His breathing was becoming more intense . 他的呼吸越來越急促, He started to argue with groom 's father. 他同親家公爭辯起來。 “This is a clear breach

全民英檢中高級參考字表(組記誦) GEPT Intermediate-advanced Vocabulary List By David Pai

全民英檢中高級參考字表(組記誦) GEPT Intermediate-advanced Vocabulary List By David Pai

125 組口說動詞Speaking Verb Category By David Pai

  125 組口說動詞 Speaking Verb Category By David Pai


  LIFE IS A DO-IT-YOURSELF PROJECT 生活是一個自己動手的項目 An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. he told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to retire. They could get by. The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and asked if he could build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter said yes,but in time it was easy to see that his heart was not in his work. He resorted to shooddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an unfortunate way to end his career. When the carpenter finished his work and the builder came to inspect the house,the contractor handed the front door key to the carpenter. "This is your house,"he said,"my gift to you." What a shock! What a shame! If he had only known he was building his own house,he would have done it all so differently. Now he h

英文單字與聽力學習平台中級(10)跟其他老師交往My Fellow Teacher compild by David Pai

  he World of Teacher I love to associate with my fellow teachers. 我喜歡跟其他老師交往。 We meet at least twice each week at the Faculty association meetings. 在每星期的教師協會例會上,我們至少有兩次的碰面。 At these meetings, we ofter talk about our classes over a wonderful snack of assorted fruits. 會上,我們常常是一面享用各式各樣的美味水果,一面談論各自教授的課程。 We're a close- knit group, although we're quite different in character. 我們是一個融洽的整體,儘管性情各異。 Jane is one of my most astute coleagues. 簡是我認識的最機敏的老師之一, She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon . 她教授關於天文現象的課程。 Her students are often astonished when she talks about "black holes" and her theory of the shrinking universe . 每當她談起 “ 黑洞 ” 和她的宇宙縮小論,學生們都驚訝不已。 But she is careful to assuage their concerns. 但她又會體貼的消除他們的憂慮。 She assures them that her theory is based on a number of assumptions that my turn out to be unture. 她向學生們保證,她的理論是建立在若干假設基礎之上的,這些假設將可能被證明是錯誤的。 My friend Bob teaches nuclear physics. 我的朋友鮑勃教授核物理學, He says it's